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Artisan Paulista: São Paulo in every detail, the essence of the city


Handmade, with love

Artesão Paulista is like a bridge between local talent and the world, using artificial intelligence to connect consumers to affordable artisanal products. Our platform promotes fair trade, allowing artists to continue painting the picture of Brazilian culture. Join us to explore the riches of São Paulo art and build a more vibrant future for our communities.

Ready to buy or sell your art? Click below and find out how to get started!

Art Gallery

There is no better way to communicate than through art.


Who we are

Artesão Paulista is an innovative platform that was born from the union between the passion for art and the commitment to local development. Our goal is to provide a unique shopping experience, connecting consumers to local products in Brazil that rival big mainstream brands in accessibility.

We understand the challenges faced by artists and artisans in a developing country like Brazil, where concerns about survival often overshadow support for the artistic community. That's why we seek to boost local economic markets, allowing artists to continue developing their careers and contributing to the country's cultural richness.

Based on our experience and understanding of the importance of supporting local talent, Artesão Paulista uses artificial intelligence to offer a selection of fair, high-quality products. Our platform not only promotes local art and products, but also provides an opportunity for consumers to discover and value Brazil's cultural diversity.

By choosing Artesão Paulista, consumers not only purchase unique and authentic products, but also contribute to the strengthening of local communities and the economic growth of the country as a whole. Together, we are building a future where art thrives, artists are recognized, and local traditions are preserved and celebrated.

“The talent of São Paulo, in your hands”

Artesão Paulista

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"As an independent artist, I never imagined that my art could reach so many people. Thanks to Artesão Paulista, I was able to sell my first sculpture to a collector in São Paulo. The process was simple and straightforward, and I'm thrilled to share my passion with a new audience ."
"I have always been passionate about art, but never knew how to start selling my own creations. With the help of Artesão Paulista, I was able to list my paintings online and sold two of them to art admirers across Brazil. I am incredibly grateful that this platform has given me the chance to do what I love and make a living from it."
"As an avid collector, I have always looked for ways to add new pieces to my collection. Artesão Paulista connected me with a talented local sculptor, and I am thrilled to have acquired a unique and impactful piece of art to display in my home. The Buying Process It was easy and transparent, and I can't wait to explore more artistic treasures on this platform."
"I am an art connoisseur, but I never felt confident enough to invest in original works. However, thanks to Artesão Paulista, I was able to purchase my first contemporary painting directly from a talented artist. The purchasing experience was smooth and safe, and Now I have a unique piece that brings beauty and inspiration to my home."
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